Seo Tutorial For Beginners (Website Domain and RELEVANT FILE NAMES)
Seo Tutorial For Beginners Search engine optimization is very important for search Website and Blog.
Increase your Blog or Website traffic between the Seo. very important for Freelancer is seo . Because of now time seo is very demand for freelancer . Ok let's go Today's subject is Search engine optimization Website domain and RELEVANT FILENAMES
When you start thinking of doing a business through internet, the first thing that
you think about is your website domain name. Before you choose a domain name,
you should consider the following:
- Who would be your target audience?
- What you intend to sell to them. Is it a tangible item or just text content?
- What will make your business idea unique or different from everything else that is already available in the market?
Many people think it is important to have keywords in a domain. Keywords in the
domain name are usually important, but it usually can be done while keeping the
domain name short, memorable, and free of hyphens.
Using keywords in your domain name gives you a strong competitive advantage
over your competitors. Having your keywords in your domain name can increase
click-through-rates on search engine listings and paid ads as well as make it easier
to use your keywords in get keyword rich descriptive inbound links.
Avoid buying long and confusing domain names. Many people separate the words
in their domain names using either dashes or hyphens. In the past, the domain
name itself was a significant ranking factor but now search engines have advanced
features and it is not a very significant factor anymore.
Keep two to three words in your domain name that will be easy to memorize.
Some of the most notable websites do a great job of branding by creating their
own word. Few examples are eBay, Yahoo!, Expedia, Slashdot, Fark, Wikipedia,
Google, etc.
You should be able to say it over the telephone once, and the other person should
know how to spell it, and they should be able to guess what you sell.
Guru Mantra
Finally, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- Why do you want to build your website?
- Why should people buy off your site and not from other sites?
- What makes you different from others?
- Who are your target audience and what do you intend to sell?
- List 5 to 10 websites that you think are amazing. Now think why they are amazing.
- Create 5 different domain names. Make at least 1 of them funny. Tell them to half a dozen people and see which ones are the most memorable. You will get more honest feedback if the people do not know you well.
- Buy your domain name that is catchy, memorable, and relevant to your business.
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One of the simplest methods to improve your search engine optimization is to look
at the way you name your files. Before writing this tutorial, we did a lot of research
on filenames and found that search engines like Google give too much importance
to filenames. You should think what you want to put in your web page and then
give a relevant file name to this page.
Just try giving any keyword in Google search engine and you will find file names
highlighted with the keyword you have given. It proves that your file name should
have appropriate keywords.
File Naming Style
- The filename should preferably be short and descriptive.
- It is always good to use same keywords in a filename as well as in page title.
- Do not use filenames such as service.htm or job.htm as they are generic. Use actual service name in your file name such as computer-repairing.htm, which is more specific.
- Do not use more than 3–4 words in file names.
- Separate the keywords with hyphens rather than underscores.
- Try to use 2 keywords if possible.
File Name Example
Listed below are some filenames which would be ideal from the users’ point of
view as well as SEO.
Notice that the keywords are separated by hyphens rather than underscores. Google sees good filenames as follows:
Filenames with underscores are not a good option.
File Extension
You should notice that .html, .htm, .php and any other extension do NOTHING for your visitors, and they are simply a means of offloading some of the work of configuring your webserver properly onto your visitor’s. In effect, you are asking your site visitors to tell your webserver HOW to produce the page, not which one? Many web masters think that it is a good idea to use filename without using extension. It may help you, but not a whole loURL Sub-Directory Name
From Search Engine Optimization point of view, URL sub-directory name hardly matters. You can try giving any keyword in any search, and you will not find any sub-directory name matching with your keywords. But from the user’s point of view, you should keep an abbreviated sub-directory name.Guru Mantra
Keep the following points in mind before naming your files: Keep the web page filename short, simple, descriptive, and relevant to the page content.- Try to use a maximum of 3-4 keywords in your filename, and these keywords should appear on your web page title as well.
- Separate all keywords with hyphen rather than with underscore. Keep your sub-directories name as short as possible.
- Restrict the file size to less than 101K because Google chops almost everything above that.